Quality policy

Quality in our understanding is the full satisfaction of our customers resulting from highest level of provided engineering services.

Our quality management system complies with the PN-EN ISO 9001:2015 standard, NATO publication AQAP 2110:2016 and takes into account the applicable legal requirements resulting from the Concession of the Ministry of Internal Affairs regarding military and police technology. 

At Remontowa Marine Design & Consulting Sp. z o.o., the management system is in force in the scope of: 


“Design of ships and floating structures.” 


Our main goals: 

  • meeting the expectations of our customers by providing comprehensive solutions based on available technologies, 
  • development of competences through the acquisition and implementation of innovative projects, 
  • timely delivery of high-quality projects. 

We implement quality policy and main goals by: 

  • active tracking of market trends and taking them into account in the offered projects, 
  • focusing on the business needs of our customers, 
  • building mutual trust and respect between us, our customers and contractors, 
  • continuous improvement of employees' skills and knowledge, 
  • continuous improvement of the Quality Management System, 
  • working in accordance with applicable legal and regulatory requirements, 
  • use of modern IT tools supporting our processes. 

We implement this policy with the involvement of the entire management and the participation of all employees.